The James Museum of Western & Wildlife Art | St. Petersburg, Florida | October 29, 2024
We’re bringing together thought leaders from multiple industries to share their experiences and vantage points. The journey to Harmony has many paths and we can learn from those who have been engaged in this effort. Professionals across disciplines will engage in dialogue that illuminates the wins and the learning opportunities in the gender equity arena.
Join an impressive group of leaders who will exchange ideas and can help to broaden your community. Our Summit attendees are open minded and energized about building connections and supporting others. Spending a day with this group will be enriching and help you to continue to build your leadership network.
You’ll hear some new ideas not only about how to find personal Harmony but also how to continue on the path with your teams too. Learning from those who are engaged deeply in the work of bettering themselves and building up others will leave you inspired and ready to take what you learned out into your teams.
Harmony – har·mo·ny: agreement of ideas, feelings, or actions, or a pleasing combination of different parts. On the one hand “Harmony” and on the other hand “Difference”. Both of these can live together…
The development of women leaders has been a significant focus globally as societies recognize the importance of gender equality in all sectors. Several initiatives, strategies, and discussions are aimed at fostering the development of women leaders. We are often asked why do you focus on women leaders and our answer is that it’s going to take over one hundred years to close the gender gap and that’s not acceptable to us.