• Sponsorship Has to Be A Part of Your Leadership Strategy For Women Leaders. Here’s Why.

    Leaders, closing the gender gap isn’t about fixing the women. […]

  • Calling all CEO’s – Your Failing Women Leader Programs Can Only Be Fixed With A Systems Approach

    You’re investing millions of dollars in Women Leadership Programs and […]

  • Self Awareness Is The Key To Not Stubbing Your Toe As A Woman Leader

    By Audrey McGuckin, CEO, WOTW –  Self awareness. It’s a […]

  • Career Planning: 3 Ways to Rethink How You Navigate Your Career

    By Audrey McGuckin, CEO, WOTW – Recently I was stunned […]

  • 3 Ways Women Can Navigate the Organizational System

    By Audrey McGuckin, CEO, WOTW –  Corporate systems. Organizational systems. […]

  • Where Most Women Leadership Programs Miss the Mark

    By Audrey McGuckin, CEO, WOTW –  Leadership programs. Empowerment programs. […]