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In these unprecedented times, the need for genuine leadership has never been more vital, presenting a profound paradox for women leaders to navigate. The data doesn’t lie: The World Economic Forum now says it’s going to take 132 years to close the gap, up from 108 a few years ago. In other words, generational change is needed and we need to start NOW.

At Women On Their Way (WOTW), we are passionate about closing the gender gap. One key approach I see that works is bringing women leaders together to connect, network, and share ideas. That’s why we put together our WOTW Summit taking place this August in Tampa, Florida. 

This event will showcase an impressive list of women speakers who have paved the path for women leaders everywhere. But even more impressive, will be the attendees who will attend our event to network and hear from other women. After all,  living a life deeply connected to your core beliefs not only fosters personal growth, learning, and psychological well-being, but also serves as the foundation of authenticity—the essence of true leadership.

One of our WOTW Summit speakers, eBay VP of Talent Danielle Clark, recently said it very well, “It is about developing women and investing in them, but it’s not about fixing them…it is making sure we also create the right ecosystem for them to be successful.”

Part of creating this ecosystem is how organizations hire, develop and give women opportunities to grow. In other words, it’s about developing and investing in women leaders rather than trying to change them. Most women in leadership positions are not making P&L-level decisions. So how can companies give women more internal and horizontal mobility? How can we build well-rounded leaders? How can we as women show up as our full authentic selves at work?

I believe a key to this is for women leaders to represent what’s possible for other women. For women leaders to pay it forward and let other women know the resources available to them. By encouraging other women to climb the ranks in all aspects of their careers and life, we support our own growth. 

That’s why I developed this Summit. I wanted to bring women leaders into one place to learn from one another. When we hear the stories of other women leaders it empowers and inspires us. When we create the type of environments where women can thrive in all areas of their lives, our organizations thrive. That’s why our work is to reshape organizations around what women need and help these workplaces create balance. 

With that in mind, the WOTW Summit will cover these major topics: 

  • Closing the gender gap
  • Dreaming big
  • The hidden problems of women and menopause
  • Words have power, words to use and words to lose
  • Walking in your purpose and the impact it can have on your life
  • The specific challenges faced by women of color
  • Overcoming adversity and leading with authenticity
  • Introducing an empowered approach to pregnancy & work

All of these are close to my heart and we have an incredible lineup of speakers to wow you with content (we also have an impressive list of sponsors like L’Oréal USA and McLean & Company). 

I hope you can make it. 

Yes, the gender gap remains wide but with institutional change and new leadership ideas, we can inspire and support each other. After all, when women leaders can only walk in their purpose when they have more harmony–no matter race, ethnicity or age. I see it time and time again. 

I can’t wait to connect with an amazing group of women as we do it in a powerful way. See you there. 

The team at Women on Their Way is thrilled to announce our upcoming event on August 24th, 2023. This event boasts an impressive lineup of speakers and panelists from organizations such as L’Oreal, Microsoft, AWS (Amazon), the Mayo Clinic, TD Synnex, Lutheran Services Florida, and more. We are proud to announce that a woman astronaut will also be among our distinguished speakers. 

Seating is limited so secure your ticket today

Thursday, August 24, 2023

8:30am – 2:30pm EST

Tampa, Florida

Register Here


Accelerate your professional growth and executive presence with the WOTW Navigator program. This journey is designed to help women cultivate the vision and capabilities needed to succeed within their organizations.

Participants will gain access to:

  • Custom development plan based on the McGuckin Method of Professional Development, including behavioral assessments, aspirations, and more
  • Monthly 90-minute virtual learning sessions delivered by WOTW CEO, Audrey McGuckin, along with facilitated peer learning conversation, a proven impactful learning method
  • Five customized 1:1 executive coaching sessions, aligned to the women leader’s PDP and the virtual learning sessions
  • One ticket to the  Women’s Leadership Summit, a 1-day in person leadership event with the extended WOTW Community
  • Exclusive access to research, thought leadership and practical development tools.

Connect with us now and take your career to the next level!

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